Prescription Drugs: Doctor says, “No,” Internet says, “Yes”

It’s after the holidays and you find you have packed on a few extra pounds and want them to melt away as quickly as possible. You call your doctor and discuss your weight concerns with them in hopes they will prescribe one of the many prescription diet pills. Unfortunately for you, the doctor has decided you can lose the weight on your own and says, “No.”
What is your next step in trying to get your diet pill prescription? Not many doctors agree with using diet pills and will not prescribe them.
It seems the only thing the US government is concerned about when it comes to drugs is arresting people for the use of illegal drugs like Marijuana. What about the prescription drugs that can be bought through the Internet by anyone? If you have never done a search to buy prescription drugs without a doctor’s prescription, then you are in for a shock!
For years, the elderly have been buying their prescription medication through Canada and Mexico and this is a well-known practice BUT these prescriptions are written by their REAL physician.
Are you aware that going to a Website like allows you to purchase prescription drugs without a prescription from your physician? How can they sell these chemicals you ask? Quite simply actually; when you go to place your order with the prescription drug of your choice, before you pay, they ask the buyer a series of questions related to their health. Through the buyer answering the detailed questions, the Pharmacist then determines if the prescription drug can be prescribed to the buyer or not.
How does prescription drug Websites get around the age of the buyer? Simply by stating a person over 21 must be home to receive the arrival of the package. Are they serious? Do the Websites think this is how they are protecting teenagers from purchasing prescription drugs? This statement reminds me of being 11 years old and wanting to get into a Rated-R movie and asking the first adult that walked by if they would buy the movie tickets for us and walk us in!
This was a scary discovery and can be approached in two ways. Either you can be against the fact that prescription drugs can now be more easily obtained or you just discovered a new way to purchase all the prescription medications you want. The catch: If you have insurance, plan to pay for these medications out of pocket.

Labels: Medications, Pills, Prescription Drugs, Safety
Good good goooddddd work here.
This is what I submitted to AC.
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