Time for Change

As I battle back and forth every week about life, included in this battle is how to grow my business. When I began my full time freelance journey two years ago, I never imagined that freelancing would develop into having my own marketing and writing service.
I figured after three years, I would be able to sub-contract out some of the extra work I received but not within six months of starting at this full time! So this was my first accomplishment that took me by surprise. After business began growing, I needed to develop a new plan which included a business name, branding and a plan of action. PearlyWrites, LLC was born on Jan. 3, 2006 but Lisa Weinberger, the freelancer, started in the late 90's. (Oy vey, I'm so old.)
Full time freelancing from June of 2005, I just celebrated my two year accomplishment of still pushing forward and growing. Two years ago, I would have never thought that I would have provided copy or instructional design to PBS or NAF but I have! I never thought that a large amount of Web copy would be ghostwritten over the Internet, but it's out there. AND I never thought I would become a "blogger" sharing my thoughts over the Internet for anyone in the world to read.
Online marketing and SEO has been a blessing in disguise. Although I use the basic techniques like keyword research, meta tags, press release distribution, article submissions and changing Web copy, it has opened many doors for me as a business owner as well as many of the writers I collaborate with on projects.
So what is the time for change? Well every year I try to redesign my Website for a fresh new look. One client I provide copy to has been working on my new PearlyWrites site and hoping in the next month it should be ready to go live. (Bartering is awesome!) It is a very professional looking site with still my "creative" edge and I think many of you will be impressed with the Web designers work.
Once the new site is up and running, the plan is to push forward with a strong marketing campaign to see what results I will get. To keep consistent work throughout the year, marketing and sending out bids on projects and making long term client connections is VERY important in the freelance business.
Labels: business, freelance, Lisa Weinberger, marketing, PearlyWrites, writer
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